Attention! The patterns are printed without any additions for seams.

  1. Choose the item “Printing” in the main menu of the program. At the same time a dialog box will open. Print options – print settings. Print range. All pages. Selectively (mark the needed). Marking pages. Save in the file. Printing. Cancel.
  2. Set the print options. Let’s check the print settings. In this case in the settings we have changed the page orientation from portrait to landscape. It enabled for this example to reduce the number of the printing pages. You can print all the pages or several, marking the parameter “Selectively”, if you need only a selection of the design. The parameter “Marking pages” will help us, when we print the design. It can be switched off, but we don’t advise it doing it.
  3. Press “Printing”.
  4. The printer shows us several separate sheets, which we should collate into a single unit. Here we remember about “Marking pages”. It performs two functions:
  • The scheme’s function of the collecting printed pattern: to put the sheets in such a way so that the place of the sheet coincides with the place of filled square in this sheet.
  • The checking’s function which verifies the printing’s accuracy of the pattern. The side of a square on the marking must be 2 cm.
  1. Now let’s glue all the parts together according to dashed lines. And then you should cut it out as in a usual building paper.

If you don’t have a PC, it is possible to save a design in a file putting a suited tick in the printing box. The design will be saved PDF format and it could be printed on any PC you like. When printing from the file you should switch off the scaling, otherwise the pattern can be printed with mistakes. The printing’s checking is described in the item 4.2.